5 Ways to Pick a Door Lock (a very easy process)

How to pick locks is a very specific process that is mostly associated with thieves and criminals But there are also many legitimate/appropriate reasons why you might need to know how to pick a lock

This guide that I am giving you has proved to be very useful for me; you should also try it, and it is a very good skill.

Now let’s move on to some practical guides that we are going to describe, and we will also attach some pictures and YouTube videos to make your guide better.

1) Choosing a spring bolt lock with a credit card

  • A spring bolt lock is one of the easiest types to pick up because you only need a credit card. 
  • Because they are one of the easiest types to choose from, they’re not particularly safe either, so you should consider replacing them if you have someone living in your home. 
  • Next, we will tell you that there are many more special door locks that you can install in your home without worry because they are top.

Lock picking tools

  • Credit cards or preferably old rewards cards, etc

How to do this process

Step 1). Find a suitable card

  • Because you or someone with you may damage your credit card, you should not use a major credit card or something similar unless you have no other option.
  • If you can, use a plastic card. If it gets damaged, it’s not too much of a problem. I’m giving you a very useful guide to use so that if you need anything tomorrow, i.e., a door lock, you can come to my blog.

Step 2). Slide the card between the door and the frame

  • Slide the card along the door and the door frame. You need to do this where the door is because you need to try to release the latch. 
  • If you don’t release the latch on that door,. Will not open This is a very useful guide that I am providing you; please follow it

Step 3). Push the card forward while moving it up and down

  • Push the card forward, where the latch will move it up and down. At the same time, you just need to force the latch on the door. 
  • Just follow the rest of the method I am teaching you.

Step 4). Turn the knob as you work

  • This can also help you try to turn the doorknob as you work. If you turn it, you should eventually be able to push the catch into the door, and the door will open easily. 
  • This is how it works. I have tried it myself and am sharing it with you.

2) Picking a push-button doorknob

  • Some doors are locked by pressing a button in the doorknob when you leave and then unlocked using the key when you return. Alternatively, they are designed to only be opened from the inside. 
  • For example, in the bathroom, we are giving you a detailed guide, and choosing them can be quite easy.
  •  Also, you can do it in a detailed guide, please. Stay connected with us

Lock picking tools

  • Paper clip wire coat hanger and various other tools

How Can We Do This?

Step 1). Prepare your tools to start working

  • This is a simple process that can be done with anything, like a wire coat hanger, a paper clip, a hairpin, or anything else you just need to put on the doorknob. 
  • You can push into the hole. This is a very special process

Step 2). Check out the kind of doorknob you’re dealing with

  • On the inside of buildings, you may find that there is only one hole—the sort of thing you might have on your bathroom door—because they are designed for privacy rather than to keep out burglars. 
  • I think you know more than me. If you know that other versions can be opened with a key, these are sometimes found in hotels. 
  • We want to give you pro tips If you are staying at a hotel with one of these locks, you should take extra care of your belongings because they are easy to pick and don’t matter much to you.

Step 3). Push your tool into the hole

  • Push your paperclip, wire code hanger or other tools into the hole or keyhole that you are looking for. 
  • When you feel some pressure on the other series or feel some stiffness, just push it and it will open the lock. 
  • The button on the other side of the door should pop out, like I’m showing you in the picture

3. How to pick a pin tumbler lock

  • A more difficult type of lock to pick is the pin tumbler lock, although it’s not as difficult as you might expect. 

Tools for lock picking

  • Tension wrench
  • Lock-picking tool

How to do it

Step 1. Understand how a lock works

  • The first part of learning how to pick a pin tumbler lock is understanding how it works, because you need to be able to feel what’s going on inside to learn how to do it.
  • There are about 5 spring mount pins inside the pan tumbler lock. This is a set of other pans that move up and down when the up is put down.
  • Since the top screen mount pin and bottom pin are different lengths, they prevent the key from turning if you put the wrong one in.
  • However, if you use the correct key, the pin lines up exactly along a line called the shear line and can turn black. You only need to line up the pins correctly to pick the lock. 
  • Instead, use a tool like the one explained above. Very sweet tip In many places, it is legal to own lock picking kits and many people enjoy lock picking as a hobby The only thing that is illegal, depending on where you live, is lock picking. 
  • Is and you should not take, for example, breaking into someone’s home?

Step 2. Apply tension with the tension wrench

  • Place the tension band under the keyhole and apply pressure. The most important part of the whole technique is applying the right amount of tension along the tension band. 
  • The idea is to use your pick to lift the bottom pins up and down. Push the spring mount pins into the correct position if you have the correct amount of tension when the lower pin drops back down.
  • The spring loaded pins will stay in place Pro Tip This part takes some practice, and all locks are different, so if you are currently out of your home, try to find out by reading this article. How to go back may be difficult for you.
  • For this reason, if you want to learn how to pick locks, it is best to practice beforehand so that when you actually need them, you will have the necessary skills.
  • Although, of course, if you get locked out of your house while reading this, at least don’t let it go.

Step 3. Use the lock picker to line up the pins inside the lock

  • If you’ve got the right amount of torque, you can now try your last picker to line up all the pins at the top of the keyhole.
  • I feel like if you manage to do this successfully, you should be able to feel the row of pins.

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